JACK812-Another close view of Sept. 30, 1906 Coupe Gordon-Bennett.

JACK813-Rare image of the National Balloon Race in Indianapolis. 

CANCEL: Indianapolis, IN Dec.22, 1909

JACK814-Balloon Race, Chicago, July 4, 1908.

CANCEL:  Chicago, IL, Aug. 20, 1908.

JACK815-A picnic at Emmetsburg, Iowa.  June 29, 1910.

JACK816-A great close-up of the "Chicago" balloon at the country fair at Wheaton.

CANCEL: Cloverdale, IL, July 15, l909.

JACK817-"Chicago" balloon, June 7, 1908.

JACK818-"Chicago" airship.  Handwriting on back dates the card June 3, 1908, Quincy, IL.

JACK819-A lovely image of a balloon race at North Adams, MA..

JACK820-An early "North Adams, #1" airship ready to leave the ground.  Copyright by C.M. Whitmore, 1908.

CANCEL: North Adams, Mass. Jun 8, 1911,  Also, flag cancel on top of stamp.

JACK821-This great image highlights the two men in the basket nicely.

JACK822-A nice close-up of technology, autos and air balloons shown.  Back says, "The start shows all three balloons in inflation."

JACK823-Beautiful close-up of balloon by the Leiter Post Card Co. of Lorain, Ohio. More info on front at lower right if you can make it out.

JACK824-Two balloons up front at St. Louis, Mo show. 

CANCEL: St. Louis, Mo, Oct. 15, 1909.

JACK825-The top states, "Opening Aero Park, Sept. 25, 1908."  Hand-written at top says, "Fitchberg"

JACK826-Balloon Ascension, Ft. Omaha, Nusbaum (sp.?) Ft. Omaha, Neb.

published by THE NORTH AMERICAN POST CARD CO. (Famous) of Kansas City.

CANCEL: Omaha, Neb, May 3, 1911.                  

JACK827-Harden Co. "Annual Clambake," Sept. 5,1908, ascension by C. Rihka,  McConnellsville, NY, Doyle Photo.

JACK828-Message states,"Oct 26, 1906, Pittsfield.  This is the starting of the race last Monday. W.C. Moulton."

CANCEL: Pittsfield, Mass. Oct.26, 1906

Early undivided back.

JACK829-"Ile DeFrance" at St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 21, 1907.  Roehlk Bros., Temple Bldg.

French flag on side of balloon.

JACK830-Balloon Race, Chicago, July 4, 1908.

JACK831-A "Sitting Area" in a dirigible. No ID on card but there couldn't have been many.

JACK832-A small crowd surrounds this dirigible.

JACK833-"Airship at the fair." Early, undivided back.  

CANCEL: Trenton, NJ Oct. 18, 1906

JACK834-An airship in Pennsylvania.

CANCEL:  Franklin, Pa., Aug.22, 19??

JACK835-Roy Knabenshue at L.A. Aviation Meet Jan.1910, no.22.

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