JACK213-Curtiss and his airplanes. A great multi-view by Benner. |
JACK214-An early side-view. |
JACK215-"Only authentic photograph of Curtiss in Hydro-plane on the first flight from water." Arcade View (address in San Diego on stamped on back.), Jan. 25th, 1911. |
JACK216-Curtiss on hydroplane, San Diego, Cal. stamp on back: Harold A. Taylor, Hotel Del Coronado, Coronado, Cal. |
JACK217-Curtiss launching hydroplane in San Diego, Cal. Taylor's name and location stamped on back. See above. |
JACK218-Curtiss alighting in his hydroplane after hitting a dummy battleship with a bomb. Height 900 ft. Copyright by Benner, 1910. |
JACK219-First U.S. hydroplane, 1912. |
JACK220-Curtiss flying his hydroplane, San Diego.
Copyrighted by Taylor at the Hotel del Coronado.
JACK222-A great close-up of Curtiss testing a plane's
engine. CANCEL: July, 1911. Cancel not totally registered. Probably an RPO...Whe...Chi...(tr16). |
JACK223-Curtiss Biplane at Hackensack Aviation Field, NJ. "Genuine Photograph made by The Garraway Co., Rutherford, NJ." |
JACK224-Flying Curtiss Aeroplane, copyright by Benner,
1911. CANCEL: Corning, NY 1911. |
JACK225-Early photo, probably Curtiss. |
JACK226-U.S. Government hydroplane bought from Curtiss. (The Navy bought three planes from Curtiss.) Photo by Benner. |
JACK227-A photo close-up of Curtiss and Wm. A. Sunday
at Winona Lake, Ind. Inbody photo. CANCEL: Pitts. &.....July 30th, 1911, RPO |
JACK228-Probably Cutiss. |
JACK229-Curtiss hydroplane at Winona Lake, Ind. Inbody photo (Elkhart, IN). |
JACK230-A great close-up of Curtiss in hydroplane. |
JACK231-A super photo of the lowering of Curtiss and his hydroplane from the deck of the Pennsylvania. Loads of sailors in this image. |
JACK232-On Feb. 17, 1911 Curtiss flew to Pennslyvania
and was hoisted aboard. Plane was lowered, and he flew back to land. CANCEL: Hammondsport NY, partly faded. |
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